Delta Sweater (EN)

Om Delta Sweater (EN)

The Delta Sweater from Créadia Studio is a true gem in your wardrobe! This oversized sweater with high slits is comfortable and suits all body sizes. It’s crafted with love, knitted with large needles (size 8 and 9), and using airy yarn (1 strand of No. 20 together with 2 strands of No. 10 from Önling), making it a fast and satisfying project, perfect for winter coziness or as a lightweight, stylish layer on a summer evening.



Pind og nålestørrelse

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Struktur og teknik

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Løbelængde pr. 50 g.


Strikke- og hæklefasthed

Tøjstr. (Voksen)

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Uddybende information

The Delta Sweater from Créadia Studio is a true gem in your wardrobe! This oversized sweater with high slits is comfortable and suits all body sizes. It's crafted with love, knitted with large needles (size 8 and 9), and using airy yarn (1 strand of No. 20 together with 2 strands of No. 10 from Önling), making it a fast and satisfying project, perfect for winter coziness or as a lightweight, stylish layer on a summer evening.

Nabita has designed the Delta Sweater to be easy to knit. It's worked from the top down with raglan shoulders and features clever details such as stitches set aside for the sleeves and a body that is joined and divided at the front and back under the armholes. The back piece is knitted back and forth and finished with a double rib edge. The front follows the same technique, albeit in a shorter length. The sleeves are worked last and finished with a double rib edge. The neckline is an elegant double rib edge that folds down for the perfect finish.

Lidt om

Créadia Studio

"Når et design fra CRÉADIA STUDIO bliver til er det oftest fordi jeg mangler lige dén style i min egen garderobe og tænker at ”jeg kan da ikke være den eneste der har det sådan”. Derudover får jeg stor inspiration fra bløde farver, følelser og stemninger, og i mine strikkedesigns vil du ofte finde udtryk som minder dig om naturen og alle de skønne skabninger vi omgiver os med - levende som statiske." - Nabita, Créadia Studio.

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