Embla Sweater (EN)

Om Embla Sweater (EN)

Embla Sweater is the perfect combination of modern and traditional style and can be knitted in a variety of yarn qualities and colors, allowing you to create a sweater that matches your personal style. Whether you choose to knit it in a neutral tone or a vibrant color, the Embla Sweater will become an essential part of your wardrobe, enjoyed season after season.

Treat yourself to the joy of knitting and wearing the Embla Sweater – a beautiful example of Norwegian design and knitting delight.


Struktur og teknik

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Pind og nålestørrelse


Strikke- og hæklefasthed

Tøjstr. (Baby)

Tøjstr. (Barn)

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Tøjstr. (Voksen)

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Løbelængde pr. 50 g.


Uddybende information

The Embla Sweater from Strikkezilla is a beautiful and classic knitted sweater that combines timeless design with inspiration from traditional Norwegian craftsmanship. This sweater is designed with a focus on comfort and aesthetics, making it a versatile favorite suitable for both everyday wear and cozy outdoor activities.

The Embla Sweater features a simple yet elegant silhouette, highlighted by fine details and a classic pattern that reflects the rich Norwegian knitting tradition. It is knitted in soft and warm materials, making it perfect for keeping you warm on cold days while maintaining a light and airy feel.

The sweater offers a great fit that flatters all body types and can be adjusted in length and width to suit your preferences. The simple pattern is easy to follow, making it suitable for beginners looking to try something new and for more experienced knitters seeking a rewarding project.

Lidt om


Jeg begynte å designe oppskrifter i 2014. Hva manglet barna i garderoben som både kunne brukes hjemme og i barnehagen igjen og igjen? Da barnas klesskap var overfylte av hjemmestrikk kikket jeg i mitt eget klesskap, og her manglet alle plaggene jeg allerede hadde strikket til mine barn. Så da startet en epoke med praktiske plagg til voksne, mange av de med feminine detaljer, og med mulighet til å tilpasse til din kropp og dine ønsker.

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