Jasmine Cowl (EN)

Om Jasmine Cowl (EN)

A gorgeous and unique crochet cowl. The neck warmer is crocheted with a size 3,5 hook in the beautiful Jasmine Stitch and is a real eye-catcher! The perfect accessory for this winter season!



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Løbelængde pr. 50 g.


Uddybende information

Jasmine Cowl by Nordic Yarn Art is a gorgeous and unique crochet cowl. The neck warmer is crocheted with a size 3,5 hook in the beautiful Jasmine Stitch and is a real eye-catcher! The perfect accessory for this winter season!

The neck cowl is cute, soft and warm. It is a great gift for toddlers, children, friends, teachers or co-workers – or as a special treat for yourself. It comes in one size.

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Nordic Yarn Art

Det er viktig for meg at designa mine er moderne og unike, og at oppskriftene er enkle å bruka. Nokre design er tilpassa begynnarar. Andre design er meir avanserte. Jasminmasker er min store favoritt. Maskene skaper eit unikt utrykk, der heile arbeidet er blomar. Jasminmaskeoppskriftene inneheld steg-for-steg-bileteforkalaring – så du treng ikkje å ha hekla slike masker før! Eg håpar at DU vil kosa deg med mine oppskrifter!!

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