Meadow Blouse (EN)

Om Meadow Blouse (EN)

Meadow Blouse is a lovely, soft, and feminine blouse featuring a beautiful textured pattern with garter ridges on every third row.


Struktur og teknik

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Tøjstr. (Voksen)

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Pind og nålestørrelse

Løbelængde pr. 50 g.

Strikke- og hæklefasthed

Uddybende information

The Meadow Blouse is a delightful, soft, and feminine blouse featuring a beautiful texture pattern of garter stitch ridges every third row. It is knitted from the top down, starting with the front piece, worked back and forth. Stitches are then cast on at the shoulders, and the back is knitted. Once the front and back are joined at the armholes, the body is knitted in the round and finished with a neat I-cord edge. The sleeves are picked up and knitted with the magic loop technique, but can also be worked on circular or double-pointed needles, finishing with an I-cord as well. The blouse is completely seamless, making it easy and enjoyable to knit.

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Lidt om


“Knitamore” er en sammensætning af engelsk og italiensk, som betyder henholdsvis strik og kærlighed, og Knitamore er netop blevet til på grund af min store romance med garn og strikkepinde. Jeg lærte at strikke da jeg gik i dagpleje, og har haft pinde i hænderne og duften af uld i næsen hele mit liv. Jeg designer strik af ren lyst og ud fra hjertet, og jeg følger ingen regler. Mine bedste idéer gør jeg mit yderste for at realisere.

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