Meadow Top (EN)

Om Meadow Top (EN)

The pattern is easy to follow and suitable for both beginners and experienced knitters. You can customize Meadow Top with different yarn qualities and colors to match your personal style and wardrobe. No matter which color or type of yarn you choose, this top will quickly become a versatile and beloved favorite in your summer wardrobe.



Struktur og teknik

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Tøjstr. (Voksen)

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Pind og nålestørrelse

Løbelængde pr. 50 g.

Strikke- og hæklefasthed

Uddybende information

Meadow Top from KnitAmore is an elegant and airy knitted top, perfect for spring and summer. With its simple and feminine design, it’s ideal for both casual everyday wear and more festive occasions. The top features a beautiful, light lace pattern that gives it a romantic and natural look, inspired by blooming meadows and Scandinavian minimalism.

The top is designed with comfort and ease of movement in mind, and the lightweight structure makes it comfortable to wear during the warmer months. Meadow Top has a relaxed fit that drapes beautifully over the body, and the delicate details in the pattern highlight its elegant appearance. It can be styled over a shirt or worn on its own, pairing perfectly with everything from jeans to skirts. The top is knitted with size 6 needles, using two strands of Vaja from Lang Yarns.

Lidt om


“Knitamore” er en sammensætning af engelsk og italiensk, som betyder henholdsvis strik og kærlighed, og Knitamore er netop blevet til på grund af min store romance med garn og strikkepinde. Jeg lærte at strikke da jeg gik i dagpleje, og har haft pinde i hænderne og duften af uld i næsen hele mit liv. Jeg designer strik af ren lyst og ud fra hjertet, og jeg følger ingen regler. Mine bedste idéer gør jeg mit yderste for at realisere.

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