Vigga Shawl (EN)

Om Vigga Shawl (EN)

The Vigga Shawl from Notperfectknit is a beautiful hand-knit shawl/scarf that combines classic elegance with a touch of modern finesse. Along the careful garter stitch on a 5.5 mm needle, the scarf transforms into the most beautiful wave pattern along the edges on both sides, adding a subtle yet eye-catching detail to your attire.
If you prefer a smaller scarf, Vigga Shawl has a little sister, namely Vigga Scarf. You can find the pattern here.


Løbelængde pr. 50 g.


Pind og nålestørrelse


Strikke- og hæklefasthed

Struktur og teknik



Uddybende information

The Vigga Shawl from Notperfectknit is a beautiful hand-knit shawl/scarf that combines classic elegance with a touch of modern finesse. Along the careful garter stitch on a 5.5 mm needle, the scarf transforms into the most beautiful wave pattern along the edges on both sides, adding a subtle yet eye-catching detail to your attire.

The Vigga Shawl unfolds in three sequences, each contributing to its unique design. In the first sequence, the stitch count gracefully increases, creating a sense of dynamic movement. The second sequence maintains a stable and unchanged stitch count, ensuring a harmonious balance in the overall texture of the shawl. Finally, the third sequence reduces the stitch count again, concluding in an elegant and pointed finish.

Executed with precision and attention to detail, the Vigga Shawl is a popular accessory that effortlessly complements any wardrobe. Elevate your style with this sophisticated piece, perfect for adding a warming and refined touch to your everyday look.

The Vigga Shawl is knitted in Snefnug from CaMaRose but can also be knitted in Eco Soft from Isager and Malou Light + an accompanying thread such as Mohair or Cashmere Lace from Lang Yarns.

If you prefer a smaller scarf, Vigga Shawl has a little sister, namely Vigga Scarf. You can find the pattern here.

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