Embla Hat (EN)

Om Embla Hat (EN)

Embla hat is not just a practical hat—it’s also stylish accessories that elevates any winter outfit. Knit the Embla hat for yourself or as a personal gift for someone special, and enjoy the warmth, comfort, and beautiful design rooted in Norwegian knitting tradition.


Struktur og teknik

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Pind og nålestørrelse


Strikke- og hæklefasthed

Tøjstr. (Baby)

Tøjstr. (Barn)


Tøjstr. (Voksen)

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Løbelængde pr. 50 g.

Uddybende information

The Embla Hat from Strikkezilla is an elegant and functional knitted hat that combines modern style with inspiration from Norwegian design tradition. The hat is designed to fit snugly and comfortably, making it perfect for both everyday wear and outdoor activities during the colder months.

This hat is characterized by its simple appearance and fine details, giving it a stylish and timeless look. The ribbed knit ensures a good fit that it adapts to the shape of the head, keeping the hat securely in place without feeling tight. Embla hat is knitted in soft and warm materials that keep your head area comfortably warm while feeling light and breathable.

The pattern is easy to follow and suitable for both beginners and experienced knitters looking for a quick and satisfying project. The hat can be knitted in a wide range of yarn qualities and colors, allowing you to create a unique hat that perfectly matches your style and needs.

Lidt om


Jeg begynte å designe oppskrifter i 2014. Hva manglet barna i garderoben som både kunne brukes hjemme og i barnehagen igjen og igjen? Da barnas klesskap var overfylte av hjemmestrikk kikket jeg i mitt eget klesskap, og her manglet alle plaggene jeg allerede hadde strikket til mine barn. Så da startet en epoke med praktiske plagg til voksne, mange av de med feminine detaljer, og med mulighet til å tilpasse til din kropp og dine ønsker.

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