Strawberry Socks (EN)

Om Strawberry Socks (EN)

The pattern is easy to follow, making it enjoyable for both beginners and experienced knitters. The socks can be customized in size and color, allowing for creative experimentation with different yarn qualities and color combinations. Whether you choose a subtle design or go for vibrant, colorful socks, Strawberry Socks will quickly become a fun and essential accessory in your wardrobe.


Struktur og teknik

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Pind og nålestørrelse


Strikke- og hæklefasthed



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Uddybende information

Strawberry Socks from Strikkezilla are a fun and functional pair of socks inspired by a playful strawberry pattern. The unique design gives the socks a distinctive look that stands out from more traditional styles while maintaining a modern and timeless appeal. The strawberry pattern adds an extra dimension to the knitting, making them perfect for both everyday wear and special occasions.

These socks are designed with comfort in mind, offering a snug fit that stays securely in place without slipping down. Strawberry Socks are both warm and breathable, making them ideal for cooler months. The decorative pattern not only enhances their style but also contributes to the flexibility and durability of the socks, ensuring they retain their shape and can be worn repeatedly.

Lidt om


Jeg begynte å designe oppskrifter i 2014. Hva manglet barna i garderoben som både kunne brukes hjemme og i barnehagen igjen og igjen? Da barnas klesskap var overfylte av hjemmestrikk kikket jeg i mitt eget klesskap, og her manglet alle plaggene jeg allerede hadde strikket til mine barn. Så da startet en epoke med praktiske plagg til voksne, mange av de med feminine detaljer, og med mulighet til å tilpasse til din kropp og dine ønsker.

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